Section 1: On Board Experience. Students will head out onto the rivers of Mid-coast Maine to view wildlife, learn about ocean currents, and sample water quality. They will view the Maine coastline from the water to gain a better understanding of the fragile nature of the ecosystem. Students will learn to use a multi beam bathymetry unit, an underwater remote video camera (videoray), an acoustic dopler river current profiler, an acoustic subbottom profiler and a sediment core sampler. Marine Careers will be discussed as students study the ocean floor, currents, and water quality of the river.
Section 2: Classroom Experience. Students will gather to explore issues that are faced by those who make their careers in the Gulf of Maine. They will discuss ways to be positive stewards of the ocean. Students will look at the issues through the lens of a variety of careers. Students will leave with a plan for protecting the coastline, and with a list of possible marine careers that they may wish to explore.